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Replicating to multiple targets (distribution)

You can use the File Channel to distribute from a single source endpoint to multiple targets, either of the same type (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server to Microsoft SQL Server) or of different types (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle and SAP Sybase ASE).

To do this:

  1. For each of the target endpoints, define a separate (remote) task that replicates from the File Channel source to the target endpoint. In the Advanced tab of the File Channel source settings, make sure to clear the Delete processed files check box. This ensures that the File Channel files will be available for distribution as required.
  2. Define a local task that replicates from the source endpoint to a File Channel target.
  3. Run the local task (this will create the File Channel files required by the remote task).
  4. For each of the remote tasks, select which tables to replicate (from the File Channel source) and optionally apply Filters and Transformations to them.
  5. Run the remote tasks.

For more information on defining tasks, see Defining and managing tasks.

For information on Filters and Transformations, see Customizing tasks .

Information note

By default, all the metadata for the selected source tables is replicated from the Local task to the Remote task. This allows you to remove, add and transform tables in the remote task as needed. However, if you want the tables in the source and target endpoints to be identical, you can prevent replication of the metadata (and thereby shorten the processing time) by specifying provideremotemetadata=N in the Override connection string parameters field of the File Channel target’s Advanced tab.

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